The Canadian District Council of Carpenters (CDC) hosts an annual Training Conference in Las Vegas at the largest, most comprehensive training facility worldwide.
The objective is to promote and encourage attendance to the conference to the over 150 educators, instructors, co-ordinators and administrators from locals across Canada.
We focused on a Canadian theme with merchandise to reinforce their Canadian identity.

The CDC worked with a local artist to design a logo which incorporated the United Brotherhood of Carpenters International crest into a Canadiana themed design.
We selected a French Terry Hoodie from a Union Made in Canada manufacturer, Canadian Maple Syrup, and a tumbler from a US supplier – for being a leader in drinkware, design, and based in California to easily ship to Las Vegas.

The attendees enthusiastically commented and posted photographs of the gift items on social media.
The hoodies and tumblers were so popular that we received orders after the conference from the attendees to be distributed to their teams across Canada
At the following Conference, there was a jump in registrants from 110 to 140 – an increase of approximately 27% due to the incentives!
IICON received the PPPC (Promotional Products of Canada) Silver Image Award for our work with the Canadian District Council of Carpenters.